I think that there should be day and night

  • Now, fight the Khazard Warlord (112). He will die. He will drop the Khazard Signil. The Khazard Sigil is one step closer toward the Crest of Remembrance. This Crest is comprised of OSRS Gold over 20 different Sigils. Boss 3 - The Jungle Demon.

    I think that there should be day and night, and maybe even weather within RuneScape. The Day and Night function can be adjusted to correspond with the time zone on the server where we log in! It's going to be awesome!

    Certain quests can be completed at certain times of the day... like quests that involve Vampires and creatures of the night could be completable only at nighttime. Certain creatures, such as Vampires or undead, might not be accessible during the day. Morytania may be an uninhabited area during the day, but filled with creatures in the night.

    In the desert, the evening hours can decrease the likelihood of being thirsty more often and walking around with 1 or none of the water skins will not be that much of a concern. Additionally, some real-world animals (like the crocodiles in the desert) might fall asleep at night and we would need to sneak past them or wake them up to fight them!

    It is possible that combat can be affected by the time of day or night in RuneScape. Some spells from Magic such as the Lunar spells are more effective in the night. The ability to range is also difficult in the night, as it's difficult for any player to see in the dark.
    Even worse, the night can make areas, such as Cheap RuneScape Gold abandoned cities or wilderness areas, very dark. Here, firemaking might be beneficial. There are many'shady,' or masked, people who wander the streets and are able to attack you!