There will be events throughout a Mayor's reign

  • "Affiliation Videos - Mayors will be producing assorted videos during their term that will seem in-game about the jumbotrons from NBA 2K21 MT the courtroom locations. You can expect your Mayor to exude rallying cries and motivate the members of their Affiliation to perform in the peak of their abilities.

    After all, just like you, they would like to run The Town! This is actually a fantastic feature in that every Affiliation court place will have its own vibe dependent on the musical collections of the current Mayor. As you move from 1 court area, you will hear that the music slowly fade off as you get further away.

    Simultaneously, you're going to be approaching a new court area and discover new beats beginning to get louder with each measure. It's the little details like this that you will find immerse you completely in the adventure of The Town!

    Court Design - There will be events throughout a Mayor's reign where if their Affiliation comes out victorious, they will have the responsibility of designing exactly what the courts look like for their borough. Will they pick a design layout that reflects the mascot? Can they only ask for Buy NBA 2K21 MT Coins Laker's courts? They will need to be thinking re-election here with every conclusion made!