Carpet Manufacturers: What is mold


    Carpet Manufacturers: The harm of mold
    Mold can negatively affect your health in many ways. Mold releases a toxic substance called mycotoxin, which can irritate the eyes, throat, nose, and skin.

    If you or other family members have any type of immunodeficiency, inhaling mold can also cause severe respiratory infections or aggravate symptoms of asthma and bronchitis.

    In some cases, individuals may be allergic to mold, which can lead to more serious health-damaging consequences.

    Signs of mold on the carpet
    What are the common indicators of the presence of mold in carpets? Some signs that let you know it's time to check for mold growth on the carpet include:

    Musty. You may start to notice a musty, stale smell on your carpet. This indicates that your carpet may be moldy, and you should check to make sure that this is not the case.
    Damp carpet. Moisture may indicate moisture under the carpet, which in turn can cause mold to grow. If your carpet seems to have been damp for a long time, you should find the root cause and correct it as soon as possible.
    Discoloration. If you start to notice small discoloration patches on the carpet, this is another sign that mold is growing. The discoloration may be green, black, or white.

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